All Classes and Interfaces

Task-based AI component.
Cast a ray against all colliders that match the layer mask.
Renders animations from a texture atlas on an entity.
Component used to store information and methods related to combat for aoe weapons.
This is where armour stats are originally configured.
Armour types from ArmourTypeConfig which are used in the game.
made to hold all different armour types in the game
Defines a basic set of properties stored in aura config files to be loaded by Aura Factory.
Factory to create Aura entities.
Reusable sound component to create background music Loads, plays and unloads music automatically.
Defines all Aura configs to be loaded by the Aura Factory.
Defines a basic set of properties stored in entities config files to be loaded by Entity Factories.
POJO which contains the custom data attached to each box2D entity.
Chases a target entity until they get too far away or line of sight is lost
Defines the properties stored in child config files to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
Attaches a physics collider to an entity.
Component used to store information related to combat such as health, attack, etc.
A generic command class.
A generic command class.
Core component class from which all components inherit.
Internal type system for components.
Supporting class containing static methods that can be used to support other classes in using the crafting system.
Public class that creates a new crafting system which allows users to combine materials in their inventory to make new items.
The game screen containing the death screen.
This class listens to events relevant to the Main Menu Screen and does something when one of the events is triggered.
AN ui component for displaying the Death Screen.
A command for toggling debug mode on and off.
A command for toggling debug mode on and off.
Provides functionality to draw lines/shapes to the screen for debug purposes.
A default task implementation that stores the associated entity and updates status when starting/stopping a task.
Displays a dialog box that allows the Player to interact with NPCs - Team 7 all-mid-npc
Displays a dialog box that allows the Player to interact with NPCs - Team 7 all-mid-npc
Factory to create non-playable dialogue box entities.
Core entity class.
Provides a global access point for entities to register themselves.
Send and receive events between objects.
An event listener which is notified when events occur.
An event listener with 0 arguments
An event listener with 1 argument
An event listener with 2 arguments
An event listener with 3 arguments
Defines the properties stored in female config files to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
Wrapper for reading Java objects from JSON files.
Forest area for the demo game with trees, a player, and some enemies.
Defines the properties stored in male config files to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
Represents an area in the game, such as a level, indoor area, etc.
Class that allows for overlaying the current map with displays and animation.
Controls the game time
Entry point of the non-platform-specific game logic.
Contains additional utility constants and functions for common GridPoint2 operations.
Defines the properties stored in guard config files to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
This class listens to events relevant to a gym bro entity's state and plays the animation when one of the events is triggered.
The statistics that make up the configuration of the Atlantis Citizen enemy.
This class listens to events relevant to Heracles' state and plays the animation when one of the events is triggered.
The statistics that make up the configuration of Heracles, the level 1 boss.
Physics comp
Defines the properties stored in child config files to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
An InputComponent that supports keyboard and touch input and touch gestures.
Generic class to wrap an InputProcessor so that it acts like an InputComponent.
InputFactory creates inputType-specific inputFactories which can handle various types of input.
Input device types
Provides a global access point for handling user input and creating input handlers.
A component intended to be used by the player to track their inventory.
Generic pickup component for all items.
A job system provides a general-purpose way to run multi-threaded code.
Jump to an entity and attack it if it is still in attacking range.
KeyboardInputFactory creates input handlers that process keyboard and touch support.
Input handler for the player for keyboard and touch (mouse) input.
Input handler for the debug terminal for keyboard and touch (mouse) input.
This class listens to events relevant to the Main Menu Screen and does something when one of the events is triggered.
A ui component for displaying the Transition Screen.
The game screen containing the main menu.
This class listens to events relevant to the Main Game Screen and does something when one of the events is triggered.
Displays a button to exit the Main Game screen to the Main Menu screen.
The game screen containing the main game.
This class listens to events relevant to the Main Menu Screen and does something when one of the events is triggered.
A ui component for displaying the Main menu.
The game screen containing the main menu.
Defines the properties stored in male config files to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
Factory style class used for creating materials of each type with certain components and base images.
Public enum that contains all the possible base materials that could be used for crafting items.
This class listens to events relevant to a Mega Poop entity's state and plays the animation when one of the events is triggered.
The statistics that make up the configuration of Mega Poop, the level 2 boss.
A movement controller moves something to a given a target.
Move to a given position, finishing when you get close enough.
Defines all NPC configs to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
Factory to create non-playable character (NPC) entities with predefined components.
Factory to create obstacle entities.
Displays performance stats about the game for debugging purposes.
Component used to store information and methods related to combat for melee weapons.
Lets an entity be controlled by physics.
Box2D collision events fire globally on the physics world, not per-object.
Process game physics using the Box2D library.
Movement controller for a physics-based entity.
Provides a global access point to the physics engine.
Action component for interacting with the player.
The controller for the player combat item animator.
Defines the properties stored in player config files to be loaded by the Player Factory.
Factory to create a player entity.
The controller for the player skill animator.
Self-sufficient player modifier handler for temporarily or permanently modifying player statistics.
The controller for the player skill animator.
Skill component for managing player skills and the player state as a result of those skills.
A ui component for displaying player stats, e.g.
Defines the properties stored in child config files to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
This class listens to events relevant to a gym bro entity's state and plays the animation when one of the events is triggered.
The statistics that make up the configuration of Poops, level 2 ranged enemy
Factory to create a potion entity.
A priority task is a task that also has a priority.
Stores information about a raycast hit.
Can be rendered onto the screen given a Sprite batch.
A generic component for rendering an entity.
Core rendering system for the game.
Globally accessible service for registering renderable components.
Service for loading resources, e.g.
A simplified implementation of the Service Locator pattern:
Settings menu display and logic.
The game screen containing the settings.
Cast a ray against all colliders that match the layermask.
The game screen containing the skills tree.
A map sorted by the value of key with O(1) iteration.
Apply a custom toString() for a class without overriding the class, using a decorator.
An AI task can be started and stopped at any time.
State tracker for a debug terminal.
A ui component for displaying the debug terminal.
Render a tiled terrain for a given tiled map and orientation.
Factory for creating game terrains.
This enum should contain the different terrains in your game, e.g.
Custom terrain tile implementation for tiled map terrain that stores additional properties we may want to have in the game, such as audio, walking speed, traversability by AI, etc.
Render a static texture.
When this entity touches a valid enemy's hitbox, deal damage to them and apply a knockback.
Input handler for the player for keyboard and touch (mouse) input.
Input handler for the debug terminal for keyboard and touch (mouse) input.
Input handler for the player for keyboard and touch (mouse) input.
Class that handles the transition between maps - Team 5 1map4all @otili9890
Transport to an entity if it is still in attacking range.
A generic component for rendering onto the ui.
Underground area for the demo game with trees, a player, and some enemies.
Reading, Writing, and applying user settings in the game.
Stores chosen display settings.
Stores game settings, can be serialised/deserialised.
Contains additional utility constants and functions for common Vector2 operations.
Task that does nothing other than waiting for a given time.
Wander around by moving a random position within a range of the starting position.
Component used to store information and methods related to weapon buffs, debuffs and curses.
Defines a basic set of (melee weapon) properties stored in Weapon config files to be loaded by Weapon Factory.
Defines all weapon configs to be loaded by the Weapon Factory.
Factory to create Weapon entities.
Component used to store information and methods related to combat such as health, attack, etc.