Class PlayerSkillComponent


public class PlayerSkillComponent extends Component
Skill component for managing player skills and the player state as a result of those skills. Designed to be a subcomponent of the class as a controller of the skill subset of the player's actions. Functions in the class should be called from the player actions class, passing information from the player action manager into this class's skill functionality.
  • Constructor Details

    • PlayerSkillComponent

      public PlayerSkillComponent(Entity playerEntity)
      Initialises the player skill component, taking a player entity as the parent component.
      playerEntity - the player entity this skill component is a subcomponent of
  • Method Details

    • setSkillAnimator

      public void setSkillAnimator(Entity skillAnimator)
      Sets the skill animator entity for this skill component, so this skill component can interact with the corresponding animator. This entity should have as components at least a PlayerSkillAnimationController and an AnimationRenderComponent.
      skillAnimator - skill animator entity with PlayerSkillAnimationController and an AnimationRenderComponent
    • update

      public void update()
      Update should update the cooldowns/state of skills within the skill manager
      update in class Component
    • addSkillPoints

      public void addSkillPoints(int skillPoints)
    • getSkillPoints

      public int getSkillPoints()
    • setSkill

      public void setSkill(int skillNum, PlayerSkillComponent.SkillTypes skillName, Entity entity, PlayerActions playerActionsComponent)
      Sets a listener to the skill event
      skillName - the skill name: - "teleport" - the teleport skill
      skillNum - the skill number (not 0 based and up to 2 skills)
      entity - the player entity of the player actions component
      playerActionsComponent - the player actions component containing the call for the skill to pass information into the skill manager
    • resetSkills

      public void resetSkills(Entity entity)
      Resets all skills for the skill event of player entity
      entity - the player entity to remove all skill listeners from
    • movementIsModified

      public boolean movementIsModified()
      Checks if the movement of the player entity should be altered based on skill state.
      true - if the movement of the player should be modified based on skill state
    • getModifiedMovement

      public com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 getModifiedMovement(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 baseMovement)
      Returns the modified movement vector based on base movement speed and the alterations of the skill state on the player movement.
      baseMovement - the base player movement speed vector
      the modified vector considering skill state alterations
    • isInvulnerable

      public boolean isInvulnerable()
      Checks the skill state for invulnerability as a result of a player skill.
      true if the player should be invulnerable false if the player should be able to take damage
    • skillDamageTrigger

      public boolean skillDamageTrigger()
      Functional equivalent of isInvulnerable but also triggers effects internally based on skill states. Should be used instead of isInvulnerable unless just checking invulnerable state.
      true if the player should be invulnerable false if the player should be able to take damage
    • checkSkillEnd

      public boolean checkSkillEnd(PlayerSkillComponent.SkillTypes skillName)
      Checks for the end of a skill, should be polled continuously in update. Note: if not polled continuously cannot guarantee correct behaviour.
      skillName - - the name of the skill to check end condition
      true if the skill has ended and the flag has not been polled false if the skill end has been read
    • isDashing

      public boolean isDashing()
      Checks if the player is in the dash skill state
      true - if the player is dashing false - otherwise
    • isCharging

      public boolean isCharging()
      Checks if the player is in the charge skill state
      true - if the player is charging false - otherwise
    • isChargingUp

      public boolean isChargingUp()
      Checks if the player is in the charge up skill state
      true - if the player is charging up false - otherwise
    • isTeleporting

      public boolean isTeleporting()
      Checks if the player is in the teleport skill state
      true - if the player is charging a teleport false - otherwise
    • isDodging

      public boolean isDodging()
      Checks if the player is in the dodge skill state
      true - if the player is dodging false - otherwise
    • isBlocking

      public boolean isBlocking()
      Checks if the player is in the block skill state
      true - if the player is blocking false - otherwise
    • bleedActive

      public boolean bleedActive()
      Checks if the player is in the bleed skill state
      true - if the player has bleed active false - otherwise
    • isBleeding

      public boolean isBleeding()
      Checks if the enemy has bleeding applied
      true - if the enemy is bleeding false - otherwise
    • rootActive

      public boolean rootActive()
      Checks if the player is in the root skill state
      true - if the player has root active false - otherwise
    • isRooted

      public boolean isRooted()
      Checks if the enemy has rooted applied
      true - if the enemy is rooted false - otherwise
    • startInvulnerabilitySkill

      public void startInvulnerabilitySkill()
      The functional start of the invulnerability skill. Should be called when the player actions component registers invulnerability skill
    • startDash

      public void startDash(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 moveDirection)
      The functional start of the dash. Should be called when player actions component registers dash event.
      moveDirection - the direction of the players movement at the start of the dash event.
    • startTeleport

      public void startTeleport()
      The functional start of the teleport skill. Should be called when player actions component registers teleport event.
    • startDodge

      public void startDodge(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 moveDirection)
      The functional start of the dodge skill. Should be called when player actions component registers dodge event.
    • startBlock

      public void startBlock()
      The functional start of the block skill. Should be called when player actions component registers block event.
    • startRoot

      public void startRoot()
      The functional start of the root skill. Should be called when player actions component registers root event.
    • startUltimate

      public void startUltimate()
      The functional start of the timestop ultimate skill. Should be called when player actions component registers ultimate event.
    • startProjectileSkill

      public void startProjectileSkill()
      The functional start of the wrench projectile skill. Should be called when player actions component registers projectile skill event.
    • startFireballUltimate

      public void startFireballUltimate()
      The functional start of the fireball ultimate skill. Should be called when player actions component registers ultimate event.
    • hitRoot

      public void hitRoot(Entity target)
      Apply root effect to enemy
      target - enemy to apply effect on
    • startBleed

      public void startBleed()
      The functional start of the bleed skill. Should be called when player actions component registers bleed event.
    • hitBleed

      public void hitBleed(Entity target)
      Apply bleed effect to enemy
      target - enemy to apply effect on
    • checkBleed

      public void checkBleed(Entity target)
      Does damage over time to target.
      target - enemy to damage
    • teleportPlayer

      public void teleportPlayer()
      Teleports the player a set distance from their current position in the walk direction.
    • cooldownFinished

      public boolean cooldownFinished(String skill, long cooldown)
      Checks if the cooldown period is over for the given skill and updates cooldown map.
      skill - the skill to check
      cooldown - the cooldown period (in milliseconds)
      true if cooldown period is over, false otherwise
    • setSkillCooldown

      public void setSkillCooldown(String skill)
      Sets an existing skill cooldown to a new cooldown.
      skill - the skill to check
    • startCharge

      public void startCharge()
      The functional start of the charge. Should be called when player actions component registers charge event.
    • chargeMove

      public void chargeMove()
      Speeds up player movement for charge attack
    • chargeHit

      public void chargeHit(Entity target)
      Ensures enemy is not a projectile then sets entity enemy variable
      target - the first enemy the player collides with
    • aoeAttack

      public void aoeAttack()
      Damages all enemies around player and knocks them back.