Class WeaponAuraComponent


public class WeaponAuraComponent extends Component
Component used to store information and methods related to weapon buffs, debuffs and curses.
  • Constructor Details

    • WeaponAuraComponent

      public WeaponAuraComponent(int auraDuration, double dmgMultiplier, double cdMultiplier, String description)
      auraDuration - how long the aura is activated for the weapon
      dmgMultiplier - damage multiplier effect on the weapon
      cdMultiplier - cooldown multiplier effect on the weapon
      description - description of the weapon
    • WeaponAuraComponent

      public WeaponAuraComponent(int auraDuration, double dmgMultiplier, double areaMultiplier, double durationMultiplier, double cdMultiplier)
      auraDuration - how long the aura is activated for the weapon
      dmgMultiplier - damage multiplier effect on the weapon
      areaMultiplier - multiplier on the radius that the weapon can deal damage to
      durationMultiplier - multiplier on the duration before the next attack instance can be called
      cdMultiplier - cooldown multiplier effect on the weapon
  • Method Details

    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Sets the description of the aura
      description - description of the aura
    • setAuraDuration

      public void setAuraDuration(int auraDuration)
      Set how long the aura is activated for the weapon
      auraDuration - how long the aura is activated for the weapon
    • setDmgMultiplier

      public void setDmgMultiplier(double dmgMultiplier)
      Set the damage multiplier on the weapon
      dmgMultiplier - damage multiplier effect on the weapon
    • setCdMultiplier

      public void setCdMultiplier(double cdMultiplier)
      Set the cooldown multiplier on the weapon
      cdMultiplier - cooldown multiplier on the weapon
    • setDurationMultiplier

      public void setDurationMultiplier(double durationMultiplier)
      Set the multiplier on the duration before the next attack instance can be called
      durationMultiplier - multiplier on the duration before the next attack instance can be called
    • setAreaMultiplier

      public void setAreaMultiplier(double areaMultiplier)
      Set the multiplier on the radius that the weapon can deal damage to
      areaMultiplier - multiplier on the radius that the weapon can deal damage to
    • getDmgMultiplier

      public double getDmgMultiplier()
      Return the damage multiplier on the weapon
      damage multiplier on the weapon
    • getCdMultiplier

      public double getCdMultiplier()
      Return the cooldown multiplier on the weapon
      cooldown multiplier on the weapon
    • getAreaMultiplier

      public double getAreaMultiplier()
      Return the multiplier on the radius that the weapon can deal damage to
      multiplier on the radius that the weapon can deal damage to
    • getDurationMultiplier

      public double getDurationMultiplier()
      Return the multiplier on the duration before the next attack instance can be called
      multiplier on the duration before the next attack instance can be called
    • getAuraDuration

      public int getAuraDuration()
      Return how long the aura is activated for the weapon
      duration the aura is activated for the weapon
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Returns the aura description
      description of the aura