Class AreaOfEffectStatsComponent

public class AreaOfEffectStatsComponent extends WeaponStatsComponent
Component used to store information and methods related to combat for aoe weapons.
  • Constructor Details

    • AreaOfEffectStatsComponent

      public AreaOfEffectStatsComponent(double damage, double areaRange, double duration, double coolDown, Map<Materials,Integer> materials, String description)
      damage - damage of the weapon
      areaRange - radius that the weapon can deal damage to
      duration - how long the aoe is activated
      coolDown - duration before the next attack instance can be called (should be > than duration)
      materials - materials needed to craft the weapon
  • Method Details

    • getAreaRange

      public double getAreaRange()
      Returns the radius the weapon can deal damage to
      radius the weapon can deal damage to
    • getDuration

      public double getDuration()
      Returns thr duration the aoe is activated
      how long the aoe is activated
    • setAreaRange

      public void setAreaRange(double areaRange)
      Sets the radius the weapon can deal damage to
      areaRange - radius that the weapon can deal damage to
    • setDuration

      public void setDuration(double duration)
      Sets the duration the aoe weapon can be activated for at one attack instance
      duration - how long the aoe is activated