Interface Renderable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AchievementRecordsDisplay, AchievementsDisplay, AnimationRenderComponent, BackgroundRenderComponent, BackgroundSelectionComponent, BuffDescriptionDisplay, BuffDisplay, ChapterDisplay, DistanceDisplay, FoodDisplay, GameAreaDisplay, GameOverDisplay, InstructionsDisplay, ItemBarDisplay, MainGameDisplay, MainGameExitDisplay, MainMenuDisplay, MonsterDetails, MonsterDisplay, ParticleRenderComponent, PerformanceDisplay, PlayerStatsDisplay, PropsShopDisplay, PropStoreDisplay, PropStoreGoldDisplay, PropStoreItemDisplay, RecycleDisplay, RenderComponent, ScoreDetailsDialog, ScoreDisplay, ScoreHistoryDisplay, SettingsMenuDisplay, TerminalDisplay, TerrainComponent, TextureRenderComponent, TimerDisplay, UIComponent, UnlockedAttiresDisplay, WaterDisplay

public interface Renderable
extends java.lang.Comparable<Renderable>
Can be rendered onto the screen given a Sprite batch.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int getLayer()
    Layer to be rendered in.
    float getZIndex()
    Z index controls rendering order within a layer.
    void render​(SpriteBatch batch)
    Render the renderable.

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

  • Method Details

    • render

      void render​(SpriteBatch batch)
      Render the renderable. Should be called only by the renderer, not manually.
      batch - Batch to render to.
    • getZIndex

      float getZIndex()
      Z index controls rendering order within a layer. Higher Z index is drawn on top.
      Z index
    • getLayer

      int getLayer()
      Layer to be rendered in. Higher layers will be rendered on top of lower layers.