ClassDescriptionWhen this entity touches a valid enemy's bullet, deal damage to them and destroy the bullet.Component used to store information related to combat such as health, attack, etc.Core component class from which all components inherit.Internal type system for components.Enumeration used to represent compass direction of enemy entities.Used to keep record of the position that moving units such as enemies, friendlies and workers, it uses an EnemyDirection enumeration class for each compass direction and EnemyDirection.DEFAULT which is only set upon initialising the class, this to stop avoid using null for direction when component is first initialised.The Health Bar Component can be added to entities This component will display the health under the entity The health is specified by the combat stats componentA very simple component that stores refernece to the buildings texture, this is used by the building UI to display an image of the UI, if the building uses an atlas file rather than a textureWhen this entity touches a valid enemy's hitbox, deal damage to them and apply a knockback.