Class CareTaker


public class CareTaker extends Object
the caretaker object records and stores the player state into the internal memory for the engine to retrieve in the future A combination of singleton and memento design pattern, which allows memento to be retrieved from anywhere in the game and restrict it to only having one instance, hence preventing duplication of memento and allows better management
  • Constructor Details

    • CareTaker

      public CareTaker()
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static CareTaker getInstance()
    • deleteAll

      public static void deleteAll()
    • add

      public void add(Memento state)
      adds the selected memento into the caretaker
      state - - the memento to be stored
    • getLast

      public Memento getLast()
      retrieve the last memento saved
      - the last memento
    • size

      public int size()
      retrieve the entire list of the caretaker
      - the list of the previously saved memento