Class Entity


public class Entity
extends java.lang.Object
Core entity class. Entities exist in the game and are updated each frame. All entities have a position and scale, but have no default behaviour. Components should be added to an entity to give it specific behaviour. This class should not be inherited or modified directly.

Example use:

 Entity player = new Entity()
   .addComponent(new RenderComponent())
   .addComponent(new PlayerControllerComponent());
  • Constructor Details

    • Entity

      public Entity()
    • Entity

      public Entity​(java.lang.String type)
      Create an entity with category information. This will display the category when printing
      type - which category the current entity is. For example, "SpaceShip", etc.
  • Method Details

    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      Enable or disable an entity. Disabled entities do not run update() or earlyUpdate() on their components, but can still be disposed.
      enabled - true for enable, false for disable.
    • getType

      public java.lang.String getType()
      Get entity type.
    • updateSpeed

      public void updateSpeed​(Vector2 speed)
    • setDisappearAfterAnimation

      public void setDisappearAfterAnimation​(float animationTime, Entity.DisappearType disappearType)
      Set disappear to true. These variables play a role in removeAfterAnimation() and update().
      animationTime - Set how long the animation will disappear after playing
    • setDisappearAfterParticle

      public void setDisappearAfterParticle​(float particleTime, Entity.DisappearType disappearType)
      Set disappear to true. These variables play a role in removeAfterParticle() and update().
      particleTime - Set how long the animation will disappear after playing
    • setParticleTime

      public void setParticleTime​(float particleTime)
    • setRemoveTexture

      public void setRemoveTexture()
      Set removeTexture to true. The code that works subsequently is in update.
    • setRemoveCollision

      public void setRemoveCollision()
      Set removeCollision to true. The code that works subsequently is in update. When the character's attack hits an obstacle, the obstacle triggers the effect of collision disappearance. However, due to the issue of the animation's playing time, the character will still lose blood if the character collides with an obstacle when the animation is not completed. Therefore, when a character attacks, the obstacle needs to be removed in advance of the collision component. Note: only use when attack to obstacles.
    • setDispose

      public void setDispose()
      Set dispose to true. The code that works subsequently is in update.
    • isDisappear

      public boolean isDisappear()
      Get method of disappear.
    • isRemoveTexture

      public boolean isRemoveTexture()
      Get method of removeTexture.
    • isRemoveCollision

      public boolean isRemoveCollision()
      Getter method of removeCollision
    • isDispose

      public boolean isDispose()
      Get method of dispose.
    • getAnimationTime

      public float getAnimationTime()
      Get method of animationTime.
      How long the animation will disappear after playing
    • getPosition

      public Vector2 getPosition()
      Get the entity's game position.
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition​(Vector2 position)
      Set the entity's game position.
      position - new position.
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition​(float x, float y)
      Set the entity's game position.
      x - new x position
      y - new y position
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition​(Vector2 position, boolean notify)
      Set the entity's game position and optionally notifies listeners.
      position - new position.
      notify - true to notify (default), false otherwise
    • getScale

      public Vector2 getScale()
      Get the entity's scale. Used for rendering and physics bounding box calculations.
      Scale in x and y directions. 1 = 1 metre.
    • setScale

      public void setScale​(Vector2 scale)
      Set the entity's scale.
      scale - new scale in metres
    • setZIndex

      public void setZIndex​(int zIndex)
      Set the entity's zIndex.
      zIndex - Draw priority of the current entity
    • getZIndex

      public int getZIndex()
      Get the entity's zIndex. This is not the final drawing priority. Called by "getZIndex()" in
      Current zIndex value
    • setScale

      public void setScale​(float x, float y)
      Set the entity's scale.
      x - width in metres
      y - height in metres
    • scaleWidth

      public void scaleWidth​(float x)
      Set the entity's width and scale the height to maintain aspect ratio.
      x - width in metres
    • scaleHeight

      public void scaleHeight​(float y)
      Set the entity's height and scale the width to maintain aspect ratio.
      y - height in metres
    • getCenterPosition

      public Vector2 getCenterPosition()
      Get the entity's center position
      center position
    • getComponent

      public <T extends Component> T getComponent​(java.lang.Class<T> type)
      Get a component of type T on the entity.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The component type, e.g. RenderComponent
      type - The component class, e.g. RenderComponent.class
      The entity component, or null if nonexistent.
    • addComponent

      public Entity addComponent​(Component component)
      Add a component to the entity. Can only be called before the entity is registered in the world.
      component - The component to add. Only one component of a type can be added to an entity.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Dispose of the entity. This will dispose of all components on this entity.
    • disposeExceptAnimationComponent

      public void disposeExceptAnimationComponent()
      Dispose of the entity. This will dispose of all components on this entity.
    • removeAfterAnimation

      public void removeAfterAnimation()
      Let the obstacles disappear after playing the animation for animationTime second. Is called by update().

      The purpose of setting this method: When dispose() is used for animation components, all entities that use the same animation become black boxes. Therefore, this method is currently used to make obstacles disappear.

    • removeAfterParticle

      public void removeAfterParticle()
      Let the obstacles disappear after playing the particle for particleTime second. Is called by update().
    • create

      public void create()
      Create the entity and start running. This is called when the entity is registered in the world, and should not be called manually.
    • earlyUpdate

      public void earlyUpdate()
      Perform an early update on all components. This is called by the entity service and should not be called manually.
    • update

      public void update()
      Perform an update on all components. This is called by the entity service and should not be called manually.
    • getId

      public int getId()
      This entity's unique ID. Used for equality checks
      unique ID
    • getEvents

      public EventHandler getEvents()
      Get the event handler attached to this entity. Can be used to trigger events from an attached component, or listen to events from a component.
      entity's event handler
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
      equals in class java.lang.Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class java.lang.Object
    • toString

      public java.lang.String toString()
      toString in class java.lang.Object