Class DeBuff


public class DeBuff
extends Component
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • create

      public void create()
      Description copied from class: Component
      Called when the entity is created and registered. Initial logic such as calls to GetComponent should be made here, not in the constructor which is called before an entity is finished.
      create in class Component
    • decreaseHealth

      public void decreaseHealth()
      Decreasing HEALTH
    • poisoning

      public void poisoning()
      A poisoning status of Player
    • slowSpeed

      public void slowSpeed()
      Player's movement will be slow
    • removeBuff_Debuff

      public void removeBuff_Debuff()
    • removeSlowSpeed

      public void removeSlowSpeed()
    • Hunger

      public void Hunger()
      when player is hunger,player will be slow
    • Thirsty

      public void Thirsty()
      when player is thirst ,player will be lose hp