AchievementConfigs |
Defines an Arraylist to store a basic set of achievement properties stored in
achievement config files (achievements.json) to be loaded by Achievement Factory,
as well as the property list with operations that need to be conducted and necessary defaults.
BaseEntityConfig |
Defines a basic set of properties stored in entities config files to be loaded by Entity Factories.
BuffDescriptionConfigs |
Defines an Arraylist to store a basic set of achievement properties stored in
achievement config files (achievements.json) to be loaded by Achievement Factory
GhostKingConfig |
Defines the properties stored in ghost king config files to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
NPCConfigs |
Defines all NPC configs to be loaded by the NPC Factory.
ObstaclesConfigs |
PlayerConfig |
Defines the properties stored in player config files to be loaded by the Player Factory.
PropStoreConfig |