Class AsyncTaskQueue


public class AsyncTaskQueue
extends java.lang.Object
An event pool which runs long-running rendering tasks on a single thread. These expensive tasks are a part of an unbounded queue which executes them sequentially.

  class XYZComponent extends UIComponent{
         // Listen to multiple events coming in at the same time
         entity.getEvents("newAchievement", this::renderAchievementCard);


     private void renderAchievementCard(Achievement achievement){
         // Aim: A card should render for at least 5 seconds and then disposed
         // Then the next achievement card should be displayed
         AsyncTaskQueue.enqueue(() -> {
               // Display it for 5 seconds
               Thread.sleep(5000); // long running code

         // Since the game area is out of focus, cancel all future rendering
         // tasks immediately to prevent memory leaks and other nasty bugs.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static void cancelFutureTasksNow()
    Shut down the task queue immediately and cancel all future tasks.
    static void enqueueTask​(java.lang.Runnable task)
    Dispatch a long-running task to the queue.
    static boolean isShutDown()
    Check if the asynchronous task queue is accepting any tasks
    static void newQueue()  

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • newQueue

      public static void newQueue()
    • isShutDown

      public static boolean isShutDown()
      Check if the asynchronous task queue is accepting any tasks
    • cancelFutureTasksNow

      public static void cancelFutureTasksNow()
      Shut down the task queue immediately and cancel all future tasks.
    • enqueueTask

      public static void enqueueTask​(java.lang.Runnable task)
      Dispatch a long-running task to the queue. An event pool which runs long-running rendering tasks on a single thread. These expensive tasks are a part of an unbounded queue which executes them sequentially.
      task - Preferably a lambda function with some long-running piece of code.